Our partners
Creative Problem Solving Group (CPSB)
We are long-term associates of the Creative Problem Solving Group, Inc. (CPSB), an international professional services firm specialising in innovation, creativity research and real-life application. CPSB supplies the Situational Outlook Questionnaire (SOQ) organisational climate assessment used by Perspectiv. CPSB’s founder, Dr. Scott Isaksen, is a co-developer of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) version 6.1, along with Perspectiv’s K. Brian Dorval.
Think First Serve
We are close partners and collaborators with Think First Serve, run by Perspectiv’s K. Brian Dorval and Samantha Stead, who help people in organisations think better, lead better, and work better together in pursuit of new ways to grow. As well as being publisher / distributor of View: An Assessment of Problem Solving Style, they help organisations align on corporate strategy, drive growth through products and services, and build people strength. Brian is one of the co-developers of CPS version 6.1.
Bayes Business School
We helped establish the world-renowned Masters in Innovation, Creativity and Leadership (MICL) at Bayes Business School of City, University of London (formerly Cass), run by the Centre for Creativity in Professional Practice. Perspectiv’s Andy Wilkins is a Senior Honorary Visiting Fellow teaching on two of the eight modules of this multidisciplinary programme that has been running for over 10 years. Perspectiv also collaborates with the Centre for Creativity in Professional Practice to deliver the executive education programme Creative Leadership: Setting the Stage for Innovation and Change.
Centre for Creativity enabled by AI (CebAI)
CebAI, the National Centre for Creativity enabled by Artificial Intelligence, is a start-up designed to bring academic excellence and business needs together. Established in 2020 and funded by Research England and City, University of London, this commercial centre will create innovative, cost-effective solutions for business by developing bespoke machine learning (AI) systems that are designed for sector-specific creativity and innovation. Perspectiv is currently working with CebAI on strategy and organisational development to develop its strategic direction and a high performing team.
The Artemis Partnership
The Artemis Partnership optimises the sales effectiveness of organisations in the professional services, construction and defence sectors selling high value advisory and consulting solutions to clients with complex problems. Their pitch consulting and training services for senior professionals help their clients enjoy industry leading bid success rates – typically over 75% – and to win at a price premium over their competition. Andy Wilkins is an Artemis Partner, working with the Managing Partner for Europe, Ian Forbes.
The Leadership Challenge
We work with the Wiley brand The Leadership Challenge and LPI: Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). The Leadership Challenge, by Kouzes and Posner, is a well-researched international best-seller based on The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership and the LPI is a simple, data-driven, and time-tested assessment that measures how frequently individual leaders exercise these five practices. With this information, individuals at any level and in any organisation can identify exactly where they excel as leaders and where they have opportunities to improve.
Perspectiv’s Kate Stuart-Cox and Andy Wilkins with Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, whose work includes The Leadership Challenge, The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership model and the Leadership Practices Inventory
Client Quote
‘The Leadership Challenge is a must, especially for senior managers working in a cross-cultural environment. It directly identifies and helps the leader address work-related issues stemming from the gap between how the leader perceives his/her contribution to the team versus how the team sees their leader. Kate’s coaching has been a life-changing eye-opener for me personally, but has benefited the entire organisation as well.’
– Hisako Hankinson, President, Platinum Guild International, Japan
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